TAPAS y postres
TAPAS calientes
Pan crujente con tomate, ajo, pesto y rucula
Baked bread with tomato, garlic, pesto and rucula
Baked bread with tomato, garlic, pesto and rucula
10,50 €
Daditos de patatas al horno con queso gorgonzola
Diced baked potatoes with gorgonzola cheese
Diced baked potatoes with gorgonzola cheese
8,00 €
Huevo roto
Patatas con huevo, salsa trufada y jamón
Potatoes with egg, truffle sauce and ham
Potatoes with egg, truffle sauce and ham
12,50 €
Mozzarella y alcachofas envueltas en speck
Mozzarella and artichokes rolled up in speck
Mozzarella and artichokes rolled up in speck
11,50 €
Tosta de mar
Tosta de atún con cebolla roja, pesto de pimiento de piquillo y piñones
Baked bread with tuna, red onions, piquillo pepper cream and pines seed
Baked bread with tuna, red onions, piquillo pepper cream and pines seed
12,00 €
Albóndigas de gambones con mango y allioli de pimienton. Cuatro unidades.
Jumbo shrimp balls with mango y allioli of paprika. Four balls
Jumbo shrimp balls with mango y allioli of paprika. Four balls
13,50 €
Secreto de cerdo iberico con patatas y cebolla
Iberico pork secreto with potatoes and onions
Iberico pork secreto with potatoes and onions
18,00 €
El pato
Hojaldre relleno de pato y manzana con salsa de arandanos
Puff pastry stuffed with duck and apple, with blackberry sauce
Puff pastry stuffed with duck and apple, with blackberry sauce
16,00 €
Albóndigas de carne de ternera Angus con salsa de tomate
Angus meatballs with tomato sauce
Angus meatballs with tomato sauce
10,50 €
Hojaldre relleno de queso de cabra, calabacines y pesto de albahaca
Salty puff pastry stuffed with goat cheesecheese, zucchine and basil pesto
Salty puff pastry stuffed with goat cheesecheese, zucchine and basil pesto
11,50 €
Carrillada de cerdo
Carrillada de cerdo iberico con reducción de Oporto y patatas/pure'
Iberico pork cheek with Oporto reduction sauce and potatoes/pure'
Iberico pork cheek with Oporto reduction sauce and potatoes/pure'
18,00 €
Lasagna clásica
Lasaña de ragú de carne y bechamel
Classic lasagna with meat ragout and bechamel
Classic lasagna with meat ragout and bechamel
13,00 €
Capas de berenjenas con mozzarella, parmesano y salsa de tomate
Aubergines with mozzarella, parmesan and tomato sauce
Aubergines with mozzarella, parmesan and tomato sauce
12,50 €
Piada clasica
Piadina con jamón, mozzarella, tomates cherry y rucula
Piadina with ham, mozzarella, cherry tomatoes and rucula
Piadina with ham, mozzarella, cherry tomatoes and rucula
13,00 €
Piada trufada
Piadina con coppa, mozzarella, champiñones, crema de trufa
Piadina with coppa, mozzarella, mushrooms and truffle sauce
Piadina with coppa, mozzarella, mushrooms and truffle sauce
13,50 €
Queso de cabra al horno con confitura de tomate
Baked goat cheese with tomato jam
Baked goat cheese with tomato jam
9,50 €
Bravas en estilo Tinto Fino, enteras,rellenas de allioli con salsa brava
Bravas Tinto Fino style, whole, stuffed with allioli, salsa brava
Bravas Tinto Fino style, whole, stuffed with allioli, salsa brava
7,50 €
TAPAS frias
Burrata, tomates secos con jamon y crema de trufa
Burrata, dry tomatoes with ham and truffle cream
Burrata, dry tomatoes with ham and truffle cream
13,00 €
Tabla de jamón serrano duroc
Cutting board with duroc serrano ham
Cutting board with duroc serrano ham
15,50 €
Montadito con tomate natural y anchoa
Slice of baked bread with fresh tomato and anchovie
Slice of baked bread with fresh tomato and anchovie
3,00 €
Mixta del Chef
Surtido de quesos, fiambres y embutidos
Mixed cold cuts and cheeses
Mixed cold cuts and cheeses
20,50 €
Lonchas de redondo de ternera al horno con salsa de atún y alcaparras
Sliced baked veal with tuna sauce and capers
Sliced baked veal with tuna sauce and capers
15,50 €
Tiramisu de mascarpone, galletas, café y chocolate
9,00 €
Salchichón de chocolate y galletas de amaretto
Chocolate salami with amaretto cookies
Chocolate salami with amaretto cookies
8,50 €
Nata cocida con nueces, miel y galletas de amaretto
Pannacotta with wallnuts, honey and amaretto cookies
Pannacotta with wallnuts, honey and amaretto cookies
8,50 €
Hojaldre enrollado relleno de nueces, manzana y uva pasas, con crema inglesa
Rolled pastry with wallnuts, apple and raisins, topped with cream
Rolled pastry with wallnuts, apple and raisins, topped with cream
9,00 €
Tarta de queso
Tarat de queso fria con salsa de arandanos
Cold cheesecake with blackberries syrup
Cold cheesecake with blackberries syrup
9,50 €